Blue Springs Enrichment

About Us




To serve Christ by providing academic enrichment that encourages our children to maximize their God-given talents and potential. To provide educational experiences that are an extension of the home setting and create an opportunity for families to fellowship and support one another in the Lord.


BSE is committed to the philosophy of providing an excellent education in a Christ-centered, biblically-based environment. An essential part of this is to promote the development of students with strong Christian ethics and moral values.  As a part of this responsibility, we must serve as good role models for our students by living Christ-centered lives ourselves to promote appropriate conduct through our actions and words. 



Blue Springs Enrichment was organized in 2016 to supplement the homeschool experience with academic and enrichment classes as well as social interactions. Our program is not intended to replace your homeschool curriculum but is a cooperative effort among families to work together on subjects that are difficult to teach at home or are best taught in a group setting. This is not forming a private school but applying homeschooling methods to a group larger than just one family. Parents still have the primary responsibility for their child's education.

It is your responsibility to determine whether the content of a BSE class is adequate to meet your curriculum criteria or whether it is a class that will be added to your program for enrichment. We offer high school classes, but we are not accredited to establish credit hours. Tracking high school credits and hours is the responsibility of the parent and student.

We are a not-for-profit Christian homeschool co-op. We are goverend by a set of BYLAWS that protect our organization and its members. The purpose of our volunteer Board members is to ensure that BSE's purpose (mission) is adhered to and to have a "checks and balances" within the co-op. BSE does not have paid employees. As a member, parents are asked to serve in a classroom either as a lead teacher, helper or in another capacity. For more information, please see our FAQs. 

BSE is open to all homeschooling families who agree to our Statement of Faith, submit to a background check and whose oldest child is at least 6 years of age and in the 1st grade or older.